If you happen to have poor credit or have had a recent bankruptcy, rest assured that you can still get approved for no credit auto finance through the use of sub prime lenders. Sub prime lenders specialize in the financing of car loans to people that have not so great credit. An auto loan can also help you rebuild your credit profile, which will enable you to qualify for even lower rates on all of your outstanding loans within two years time.
The Bad Credit Factor
The traditional financing companies are typically willing to work with people that happen to have less than stellar credit scores. There's an estimated eighty percent of individuals that have at least one late payment on the credit reports. So it's always better to request a quote from a traditional lender before taking them off your list. You could end up surprised to find out that you do happen to qualify for low rates.
With a recent bankruptcy or even a foreclosure, you may in fact need to use the services of the sub prime car loans lender. With these types of lending institutions you can usually expect to pay a couple of percentage points higher than your average car loan because you are seen as a higher risk.
The Smart Car Loan Shopper
You can still be a smart auto loan shopper with bad or no credit by shopping around for the best possible lowest rates. Online auto loan lenders are finding that in order to compete with neighborhood banks that they have to offer lower rates than them. They're also able to reduce their feeds by using technologies to eliminate the overhead costs that are usually present.
To compare the real costs, request quotes from lots of bad credit auto loans lender. The difference of even a $8.50 a moth can save you up to $500 or more on a five year loan easily, it all adds up!
There are many other varibles to compare lenders by such as their rates, terms, and their fees. Whilst low rates are the ideal situation, you may find that a lower monthly payment is in your best interests.
The Quick Application
Once you are finished doing your research or homework, you can quickly apply for you auto loan online. By using the online application, most lenders tend to reduce or eliminate their loan fees and within an hour you can expect an answer.
When you are approved by one, you will then be sent a blank check to sign over to the dealership that you are purchasing your vehicle from. The great thing about an online car loan lender is that only they know that you have a bad credit situation. When you bring in the blank check to your dealership, they can only see you as a cash buyer and they themselves are ready to give you the best possible deal.
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